Daily Archives: June 18, 2014

Your Emmy Nominee Announcers Will Be…

by Melody Star June 14, 2014 5:21 PM PDT

Carson Daly and Mindy Kaling

This year Carson Daly and Mindy Kaling are slated to announce the 66th Annual  Emmy Awards nominations on July 10th.   The Announcement will be aired at 5:30 AM PDT via a webcast on TelevisionAcademy.com.  Chairman and CEO of The Television Academy, Bruce Rosenblaum, will join the two during the announcement, which will be held at the Leonard H. Goldenson Theatre in North Hollywood, California.

Seth Meyers will be hosting this year’s Emmy Awards ceremony, which will be held on Monday, August 25, 2014 at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles, California,  beginning at 5 PM PDT/8 EDT  and will air on NBC.



Backstage: San Diego Students Have a Professional Advantage (Place where Jim Parsons Trained)

By Sean J. Miller | Posted June 18, 2014, 2 p.m.

The Old Globe Theatre in San Diego

Blair Underwood is set to take the stage as Othello for the first time in his career this month—and many of his cast mates will be student actors.

No, Underwood isn’t doing summer stock—in fact, he’s appearing at San Diego’s Old Globe Theatre, where “Othello” will run June 22–July 27. The theater has such a robust relationship with the University of San Diego that their joint MFA program supplements the cast of every production—and even its upcoming tours.

“You could probably count on one hand the major training programs that are affiliated with a major theater company,” Barry Edelstein, the Old Globe’s artistic director, told Backstage. “This is a specifically classical training program very, very heavily centered on Shakespeare. It’s pretty unique nationwide.”

The program, which boasts “The Big Bang Theory” actor Jim Parsons as a graduate, takes only seven students a year and provides them each with a full scholarship and a stipend to cover living in San Diego—but there’s an added perk: It gives students the chance to get intensive classical theater training only a short drive from Hollywood’s main casting offices. “It’s in some ways an internship program,” said Richard Seer, director of professional training at the Old Globe. “We tend to take slightly-older-than-the-average graduates. Most of them are in their late 20s, occasionally early 30s. Their goal is to broaden their career.”

Jamal Douglas, who plays Othello’s Aide-de-Camp and is also Underwood’s understudy, said the program helped him conquer his fear of the Bard. “I was always getting called in to do Shakespeare and I had recently done ‘Othello’ in my professional career, but I didn’t feel comfortable,” he said. “I wanted to be a fully rounded performer.”

Patrick Zeller, a first-year student playing Lodovico, said earning an MFA means being able to fall back on teaching. “I definitely understand the reality of being a blue-collar actor—you have great years and great months and then you have down months and down years—and being able to teach in between makes all the difference in terms of quality of life,” he said.

Edelstein said the program makes it possible for the theater, which has a packed calendar of 14 productions a year, to produce plays with large casts. “We have 20 [actors] in ‘Othello’ and all 14 of the MFA actors are in it; some have more to do than others, but that’s what allows us to populate our stage,” he said.

Southern California isn’t a hotbed of classical theater, but Edelstein said the training gives performers a versatility that helps keep them working.

“Actors that are trained in Shakespeare can do anything,” said Edelstein. “If you really know your way around that kind of complex language then there’s really very little out there that you can’t do.”

Edelstein, who joined the Old Globe from New York City’s Public Theater, has made changes to the program that will kick in this year. “We’re starting to use these actors in more than just the Shakespeare season,” he said. “After two years of training they will get membership in Equity, and then their first professional gig will be this ‘Globe for All’ Shakespeare tour of underserved and other marginalized communities around San Diego: homeless shelters, senior centers, correctional facilities, community centers. These [student] actors will be the company that takes the show on tour as kind of their graduation sendoff.”

In the meantime, they’ll be onstage with Underwood as he undergoes the pangs of jealousy brought on by Richard Thomas’ Iago.


Jim Parsons Heads to Las Vegas to Licensing Expo for Dreamworks promoting ‘Home’s Oh’

Working blue… #dreamworks #home #oh

What is Licensing Expo?

Where innovators get a peek of tomorrow’s hottest trends. Professionals from across the globe gather for 3 packed days of networking.

Date of the Expo:   June 17 – 19, 2014
Place:    Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV

To learn more click here

What is new with Dreamworks Animations?

Dreamworks announced on Monday, DreamworksTV, a family-oriented TV channel on YouTube.

Dreamworks Animation (separate from Steven Spielberg’s privately held Dreamworks Studios) is aiming to go beyond film not only with the new Youtube TV Channel, but they have submitted over 1,100 original cartoon episodes to Netflix, and have a new project called Dreamhouse.   Dreamhouse is a code name for a project that Dreamsworks has had under wraps for months, that has been in prototype.   The goal is to change how children meet Santa each Christmas by having Santa sit inside a 2,000 square foot cottage with giant video screen walls.  These cottages are sill located at shopping malls, but children will be able to go on virtual sleigh rides with Shrek on their way to meet Santa.   It helps prevent long lines, which often create burdens for children while they wait to see Santa.   Instead,  appointments are scheduled so children don’t have to wait and get to experience their personal time with Santa.

It’s an amazing, beautiful, big theatrical statement that represents our efforts to diversify into new area.  We’ve made bets, and now it’s about execution. –  Jeffrey Katzenberg, DreamWorks Animation’s chief executive.

Learn more about how Dreamworks is aiming beyond film.

Thank you, Ashleytumbless


JV ‏@tinkbella Jim Parsons!!! #bigBangTheory geeking out at #dreamworks #vegas #licensing2014 http://instagram.com/p/paFOxaj1Ia/

#DreamWorksAnimation really brought it tonight with their Expo Event which included an appearance by Jim Parsons (aka Sheldon Cooper)!

Complete fan girl geek out over Jim Parsons being at the Dreamworks presentation @licensingexpo #licensing14

@ madeulook Jim Parsons dancing on stage with a million Waldo’s…my life is complete #jimparsons#bbt#whereswaldo#dreamworks#dancing#ilovemyjob





If you are any kind of television viewer in the 21st century, odds are very good that you’ve seen something with Ryan Murphy’s name on it. The prolific creator of shows like Nip/Tuck, Glee, and American Horror Story has become one of the most respected writer/producers on TV. When he found that the rights to Larry Kramer’s award-winning play, The Normal Heart, were available, he spent his own money to secure them and years trying to get the movie made.

It eventually ended up at HBO, with a cast that includes Mark Ruffalo, Julia Roberts, Alfred Molina, Jim Parsons, and Matt Bomer. Heart debuted on May 25 to spectacular reviews, and became an instant Emmy frontrunner. Murphy, who directed the film and worked with Kramer on the adaptation, is being honored tomorrow with the Louis XIII Genius Award at this year’s Critics’ Choice Television Awards.

SSN: This was a real labor of love for you, wasn’t it?

Murphy: It was. It started from a place of being a fan of the piece for almost 25 years, and then waking up one day and feeling like, ‘why wasn’t this made?’ Such an important story, still so modern, and more than that, I thought it would inspire younger people who needed to hear that story. So I came from a place of complete passion. It was just one of those things that I put everything I had into. Everything I wanted it to be turned out to come through, and that’s a new experience for me in my career.

SSN: Matt Bomer and I were talking about how the love story between Ned and Felix resonated much more in the film than on the page. Was that something you developed for the movie?

Murphy: That love story was always my way into the piece. There’s a lot of hate and prejudice in the world, especially towards gay people, and I felt that if I could present a gay couple who you rooted for and loved and related to, then the message of the movie would land more. That’s something Larry and I spent a lot of time working on, and he agreed with me.
SSN: What about the amazing chemistry between Mark Ruffalo and Matt?

Murphy: You can never predict that; you can never control it. Two people you think will be hotter than hot can show up and not have that. They adored each other from the moment we started rehearsals, and I think they instinctively knew the scenes were going to be brutal, and more than that, they were really rooting for the other to succeed. I think you can see that in the performance in that they loved each other and worked hard at it, and that comes through in a very beautiful way.

SSN: As sad as the movie is, watching it made me just as angry as I was when I was in college in the ‘90s.

Murphy: Yeah. I was angry every day. It’s a classic play because it’s a real call to arms. It’s a different piece of art than it was when Larry wrote it in ‘84 or ’85, y’know? Obviously, you can now look at it through the lens of history, but I’m very proud of the fact, and I’ve seen this through social media, that a lot of young people didn’t know about the prejudice and injustice, and this movie taught them about that. I’ve read a lot of letters and a lot of tweets from young people saying that, ‘this movie is infuriating to me and it’s made me get involved.’

So the fact that the movie can create even one little Larry Kramer is amazing, but I’ve read so many heart swelling responses from young people asking about wanting to take action. That’s not something you can predict and it’s icing on the cake for me. At the same time, it’s very personal because that’s what I wanted it to do; that was my goal. I wanted to make people angry and I wanted it to move people and I wanted it to remind people that this campaign is not over and it’s still something people should be angry about and get involved with.

SSN: The amazing thing is to understand how far we’ve come as a society, but also know that there is still a long way to go.

Murphy: I think that’s completely accurate and scarily true.

SSN: Changing tack entirely, you’re being honored at the Critics’ Choice Television Awards with their genius award. Must be nice to be recognized in one’s own time, huh?

Murphy: (laughs) Well, it made me laugh, because nobody I work with and nobody in my life would ever call me that. I don’t think I’m a genius except about one thing: I do think I’ve been very smart about surrounding myself with incredibly talented collaborators. The other thing I’ve done really well is I’ve chosen some fantastic mentors. People who saw this kid from Indiana and said, ‘okay, you seem to have a lot of good ideas and you really work hard, so I’m going to help you out.’ I feel that what’s happened to me in my career is beyond my wildest dreams. I moved out here in 1989 and didn’t know a single soul. I’m just thrilled it all worked out, y’know?


Kveller: Mayim Bialik: My Heart Breaks For The Kidnapped Israeli Boys

By Mayim Bialik at 12:35 pm June 18, 2014

I cried when Gilad Shalit was released after five years in captivity by Hamas. I posted pictures of him all over my dressing room door at “The Big Bang Theory.” The unimaginable impossibility of someone’s son being a prisoner for five years tore me up inside as a mother in a way few stories have since I became a mother. He ate schnitzel the first night home. The country sold out of schnitzel after they heard through the press that that was what Gilad ate for dinner. That’s Israel.

The kidnapping of three teenagers–not soldiers; teenagers–last week in Israel has been on my mind constantly. My posts about other things (“Blossom” reunions, or how cute my hairless cat is) should not detract from this ongoing crisis or its significance. It has been on my mind all of the time.

I have been weighing how to comment on it since it happened. There are so many haters of Israel on the internet and so many racists, to be quite honest, who send me disgusting hateful horrible things about what a horrible person I am because I am Jewish and believe in the right of the State of Israel to exist (also known as Zionism). I shouldn’t read those (or any!) comments, and it shouldn’t bother me, but it does. And I don’t want to start a fight on Facebook or allow a fight on my Facebook page about if Israel has the right to exist (it does and has to and always will) or if kidnapping innocent teenagers and holding them hostage is a political statement (um…it’s not; it’s terrorism).

My heart breaks, and it aches when I picture what the parents of these teenagers are experiencing. The mothers. Their sons taken not in a war or in battle, but off of the street as they complete adolescence but are not yet men. Kidnapped and held hostage for the purpose of a political negotiation? The world is so broken. So broken.

Whose life matters most? The government of Israel has to decide. As a mother, I know whose: my sons’. And the decisions ongoing are excruciating to contemplate. It’s horrible.

I understand the complexity of Israel and I try to learn about the complexity of the Palestinian people as best as I can. But it is not okay for teenagers to be kidnapped and used as a political bargaining tool.

Sarah Tuttle-Singer, who lives in Israel, has written about it here on Kveller and I want to share it.

May God in Heaven bless these young boys and guard them and protect them as much as possible. And their families. And the government responsible for bringing them home.

Please God, bring them home.


Daily Instagrams & Tweets – June 18, 2014

This is a running account for the day of cast related Instagrams and Tweets so it continually gets updated through the day.   Please check back often for updates. The main cast is listed in order of how they are credited on the show.




…and I was singing this song for you…
Good day.

Working blue… #dreamworks #home #oh
Weird, wonderful, Waldo-ish day at work today with some fantastic people… #lightnightclub #vegasbaby




Loving that haircut @normancook
Getting ready for a chic night out @jamiemakeupgreenberg @clsymonds
It’s on ….
We r channeling Twiggy tonight … Makeup @jamiemakeupgreenberg hair @clsymonds styling @taraswennen @verawanggang #60s #bluedots #ownit
ryansweething 44 seconds ago Even when she’s being funny she’s sexy @normancook
She copied my haircut @normancook









This is my hairless cat Esau. He’s a Peterbald. He’s 10 years old. He’s perfect.

Beach day.











Join Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting & the Humane Society of Beverly Hills to Save the Seals on June 23rd!

Kaley recently retweeted this tweet & we think that it NEEDS its own post to bring awareness of the event.


If you live in the LA area, and plan to attend, let us know! We’d love to know what this event was like!