Daily Archives: June 12, 2014

DailyMail: ‘I had never seen The Big Bang Theory, I wasn’t a TV watcher,’ admits Mayim Bialik as she opens up about why she returned to Hollywood after long hiatus

PUBLISHED: 21:12 EST, 12 June 2014 | UPDATED: 21:18 EST, 12 June 2014


As the star of Blossom, she was one of the biggest stars of Nineties TV.
But today Mayim Bialik revealed that after starring in the show, she not only stopped working in the TV industry – she stopped watching television altogether.
Speaking to Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O on KIIS FM 1065, Mayim, 38, who is currently starring in hit TV show The Big Bang Theory, said she had no idea how big the show was when she landed the role of Dr Amy Farrah Fowler.

Mayim told the Sydney radio station: ‘I had never seen the show, I wasn’t a TV watcher so I hadn’t seen it.

‘I didn’t realise it was this super big deal.’
And when Kyle asked her how she managed to not watch television, she added: ‘I had two young children I was busy doing mum things.’

The actress was away from the industry for 12 years after playing Blossom from 1990 to 1994 but decided to get back into acting after training to be a Neuroscientist, for financial reasons.
She said: ‘I needed health insurance.
‘I had two small kids and I hadn’t really acted as an adult. I had done it when I was younger and I figured actors are never employed so I could see my kids all the time.’

Mayim joked that she also thought about her age and decided to pursue the career while she was still young enough saying: ‘If you get grey hairs they put you in the dungeon.’
Mum of two boys – Miles, eight, and Fred, five, is an outspoken advocate of attachment parenting and told the radio presenters: ‘There a nice attachment parenting community in Australia.
‘I safely slept with both of my boys, I’ve never owned a crib. We had two giant mattresses on the floor it was a bit musical beds.’

Mayim split from her husband Michael Stone in 2013.
Last year she told ABC News: ‘Divorce is not fun and I don’t recommend it, but kids are absolutely resilient and they are also very sensitive and complicated little people.’
‘So, it’s been a summer of adjustment, but I’m happy to report they are doing really well.’
She went on to say that her ex-husband was coping well and that they were successfully co-parenting.

‘Their dad is doing well and we communicate really well,’ she added.
Mayim and Michael were married for nine years before she announced their divorce in November 2012.


Simon Helberg & Jocelyn Towne’s Reddit AMA Chat – June 12, 2014


Simon and Jocelyn did a Reddit AMA chat today and we have it all for you to read below. They were both very funny with their responses. Look at the bottom of the post for a link to the page where the chat took place. Enjoy reading!

Thank so much Reddit and everybody who asked questions! I Am I comes out tomorrow so go to http://www.iamithefilm.com to see the movie or get information about showtimes in LA/NY. Have a lovely rest of the day!
-Simon and Jocelyn
Hi. We are Jocelyn Towne and Simon Helberg, married, working filmmakers – 2 babies, 2 movies, 2 years – and you probably know me (Simon) from “The Big Bang Theory”, and you will get to know me (Jocelyn) from my directorial debut in the film “I AM I”, which I also wrote, starred in, and executive produced alongside Simon, who appears in the film as well.
“I AM I” will be in theaters this Friday June 13th and also available on iTunes and VOD nationwide. For those of you in LA, please join us for a Q&A at the Sundance Sunset Cinemas following the 7:30pm showing of the film on Friday. Actors Kevin Tighe and Jason Ritter will also be there for the Q&A.
Victoria is getting us up to speed on the AMA and here is the proof that we exist beyond the fourth wall:
Now it’s your turn to share. Ask us anything!

Hey Simon and Jocelyn! Thanks for doing this AMA.
How did you get the role of the young Rabbi in A Serious Man?
How was it working with The Coen Brothers and Michael Stuhlbarg?
Any stories from that experience?
“Look at the parking lot, Larry!”
To Both: Good luck and congrats on pursuing I Am I. Look forward to seeing it.

One of the all time highlights of my life. I grew up idolizing the Coens so I was ecstatic and also terrified I would soil this perfect cannon of work they have. I auditioned for them and had to wait 9 months to hear any news. But I worked on the scene throughout just in case I got it. And Michael is a dear friend and a phenomenal actor. A truly serious man.

I auditioned for them and had to wait 9 months to hear any news.
I would be in agony waiting that long.
Still, it’s a great film I truly enjoy. Everything turned out awesome!
Edit: Thanks for answering my questions! I appreciate it!

Simon, loved your portrayal of Moist in Dr. Horrible!
Question… for both of you 🙂
Star Wars or Star Trek?
Thanks! Star Tours.
Star Wars for sure. I can basically recite lines from the first!

[–]kbcountry37 (KAYLA)
Hi, Simon and Jocelyn! Love all the interviews so far.

Hello! I think you two are fantastic :). I like to collect beer recommendations, what is your beer of choice?
My coworker would also like to know if Simon feels that Howard enjoys the married life.
I like a good hefeweizen!
Yum! Can’t wait to see the flick!

Hello Simon and Jocelyn Thank you for doing this AMA, I have a question for each of you.
Simon, when will Howard get his PhD? I think he needs it.
And Jocelyn, what was your inspiration to create your movie?
I wanted to make a film about relationships between parents and children and what it would be like to get to know your parents before you were born.
It was actually inspired by the music from “The Man of La Mancha” believe it or not. I took Don Quixote and turned him into a modern character and let the story develop from there.

What was it like getting into the filmmaking business? What did you feel the most important skill/talent/area to concentrate on is for those aspiring to follow you?
Read a lot of plays. Watch a lot of movies. Get up on your feet and act. Create no matter who it’s for or where you’re doing it or how little money you can put in. It all counts.
And when you get jobs, any job, do your best work, even if you don’t love the project. Never undercut a project, make it the most important thing. People remember your work ethic.

Simon: How was being in space? I mean, you really went there right?
Will Moist be singing in Dr Horrible 2? Was Sabrina The Teenage Witch the best show ever to work on? Too many questions to ask!

Hi there guys! Thanks so much for doing this.
What would you say is the most difficult part of acting? Of directing? Of making babies?
Making babies is by far the easiest. Although the audition process is brutal.
I’d have to agree with Simon! Auditions are the worst part about acting!

What is Penny’s last name!?!?!?!
Wow what a coincidence, same as the president

Hi, both.
Jocelyn: Who or what was your greatest inspiration while directing for the first time?
Simon: What would have happened to Alex Dwyer if Studio 60 had made it to a second series?
Cocaine? At least a No-Doze addiction.
So many great inspirations. Films like “The Apartment” and “Harold and Maude”. Directors like Sydney Lumet and Billy Wilder. My Dad, who is a screenwriter. Friends like Marianna Palka who wrote and directed an indie film herself.

Hi guys, thanks for doing this Q&A. Here’s my question: Do you know if “We’ll never have Paris” will be release in France ? Looking forward to see this movie!
Much love from France. Jess xx
I’m not sure if it will be out in theaters but there will definitely be a way for you to see it in the near future so stay tuned for that!

Simon, Reddit is known for it’s dislike of the Big Bang Theory, mostly because of how it supposedly ‘misrepresents’ nerds. What would you say about this?
Is that true, Reddit? I’m outta here.
No Simon don’t go!! I personally love The Big Bang Theory


For Simon, do you think you are anything like your character on Big Bang? Are any of the other actors like their respective characters?

Simon, quick question, what has been the most difficult science equation or explanation you have had to do on BBT? And did you understand it at all?
Thanks for taking the time out to talk to us!

Does Jim Parsons have a Bazinga quota/get paid by the Bazinga?

Out of the entire TBBT gang, I feel that Howard was the guy least likely to get married. Are you anything like him in real life? 🙂

What is it like working with each other with such busy schedules?

Hey Jocelyn and Simon!
Jocelyn, how does it feel to be like a swiss-army knife and be able to do all of those things?
Simon, have you adopted any mannerisms from Howard since portraying him?
It was an amazing opportunity to be able to wear so many different hats for this film and it was a passion project so I really wanted to have a say in all parts of the creative process.

Hey there Simon and Jocelyn! Simon, what do you like the most about Raj and Howard’s funny bromance? Love you both btw. Thanks!

[–]kbcountry37 (KAYLA)
I kind of already got an answer Tuesday in Simon’s Larry King interview, because I was the one who sent him the tweet about the inspiration behind “I Am I”, but I’d love to hear Jocelyn’s answer.

Do you really have a tough time shopping for clothes? Do you shop for clothes in boys’ department in real life?
Hey Simon and Jocelyn! I hope you are well.
For Simon: Do you think Howard Wolowitz will ever get a PhD? What is your favourite thing about filming The Big Bang Theory
For Jocelyn: What was your favourite thing about I Am I?
For both of you: What was the best thing about filming together?
Thank you for taking time to do this, best wishes for both of you from Ireland x
The best thing about working together is that we are both so passionate about our work that we could talk about it for hours and luckily the other one wants to talk about it as well!
My favorite thing about I Am I was working with an incredible cast and crew who were also so dedicated to the material.

Thanks for doing this, both Simon and Jocelyn!
Simon, what was the most rewarding aspect of working on We’ll Never Have Paris with your wife? Also what is the best part of your job on TBBT?
Jocelyn, was there a moment in your life when you knew you wanted to be an actor/filmmaker?
I knew I wanted to be a writer from a young age. The first thing I ever saved up for was a type writer so that I could be like my Dad, who is a screenwriter also. Acting became a passion in highschool.

Hi Simon and Jocelyn! I have a question for you, which is your most inspirational movie?And why?
Thank you for this AMA 🙂
I love “Harold & Maude” amongst many other!
Wow good answer, random movie but amazing and worth a watch for anyone who hasn’t seen it

Hi guys thanks for doing this awesome AMA!
Simon you’re amazing in The Big Bang Theory, obviously, but I actually first saw you on “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.”
What was it like working w/Aaron Sorkin and on an Aaron Sorkin show?
Looking forward to checking out your film and I think it’s awesome you guys did it together…I mean, the film…..well, and actually making the babies too. So, all good all around!

Hey simon i love your role in Big Bang! I just wanted to ask what made you first start acting?
Auditioned for The Children’s Hour in high school to play the lead. It’s a period piece that deals with Lesbianism in an all girl’s school. So I fit right in. I ended up getting a tiny part with a few lines and milked it for every laugh I could get. Not that there aren’t plenty of laughs Lillian Hellman’s work.
Thanks For replying!

Jocelyn, Korsakoff’s syndrome is a rather obscure neurological disorder. What caused you to used that specific syndrome? Was there someone in your family who had it or was it just random or something else?
I actually kind of backed into finding that condition because I had already created the character who had this type of retrograde amnesia and then discovered Korsakoff’s as I was doing research.

How closely does We’ll Never Have Paris follow what really happened between you two, and how much did you change things for the movie? And how nervous were you about making a film that’s so heavily based on your own relationship?
It’s sort of the skeletal structure of what happened between Jocelyn and I at that point in our life. So obviously I pulled from real moments and events but it’s largely fictionalized to make a better movie. That being said, there’s quite a bit that did happen that I wish I could tell you I made up. Perhaps the clumsiest break-up and proposal of all time.
[–]carouseloftime 1 point 2 hours ago
Thanks for answering – I’m looking forward to seeing it!
(And I’ll be at your talk back tomorrow evening, so see you then! :D)
Very nervous about it. And at this point I’d say it’s about 50/50 fiction and reality. We took liberties with the truth to make it a better story dramatically although it was pretty dramatic to begin with!
It definitely sounds like an interesting story – thanks!

Simon, are you a gamer? if so. Pc or console?
and btw you are an amazing actor! keep up the good work 😀

Hey simon 🙂 What are your relationships with the other actors on the big bang theory? Thanks for taking time to do this ama 🙂

The Big Bang Theory gets a lot of mainstream love, but how do you feel about the hate that the show gets from the nerd community?
Didn’t know about the hatred. Thanks for sharing!
You’re a busy and successful man, I don’t really expect you to spend any time online reading about negativity directed towards you or your show from anonymous haters.

Hi Simon, thanks for the AMA.
What your all time favorite video game?
I loved Contra. I sorta fell out of touch with that world after Nintendo. Has much changed?

Why should I go see I am I?

What is the most meaningful piece of art (film, play, episode, doodle) you have each created? And where can we view it? (Assuming it can be seen via the internet…) Thanks for the brief insight into your mind! 🙂
I would say I AM I is mine! And now we also have a new film that we directed together called “WE’ll Never Have PAris” so that one is special too!

Hey Simon and Jocelyn! It’s always awesome to see successful creative couples, so thanks for existing, I’ll gladly come see your new film.
Simon I think you’re beyond talented and at least for me, steal the scenes you act in a very subtle way.
Do you think that you’ll work with Bob Odenkirk or Joss Whedon again in the near future?
Any interesting set stories from that time or from anything else you were involved in?
Bob and Joss are such creative forces. Like a tornado. They both have these amazing minds that allow you as an actor to just sit back and revel in their brilliance. Those were special experiences for me. So no I won’t be working with them again.
Thank you for the kind words!

If you had to fight 100 Johnny Galecki-sized Jim Parsonses or 1 Jim Parson-sized Johnny Galecki which would you choose?
Can’t we all just get along?
With all 101 of them? That’s a lot of people to get along with.
PS, huge BBT fan, probably should have mentioned that in my original post.

Hey simon u sexy guy (jocelyn too ofcourse :3 ) will ur 2 movies ever be available im germany? Id like to buy them bur there is no chance :/
You can watch I Am I if you go to our website http://www.iamithefilm.com. Our second film will be coming out later this year!

Thanks for doing this AMA, guys!
A question for Simon: Has the Big Bang Theory inspired any of your filmmaking techniques? can we expect any in-jokes or cameos?

[–]kbcountry37 (KAYLA)
Simon, during taping season, how do you balance work and family?
I make babies while I work and then they arrive in time for hiatus.
He just doesn’t get to sleep that much!

Hello, Jocelyn and Simon, I hope you are having a wonderful day. So Simon, did you like coming to Brazil? And how is it like to be part of an amazing tv show?
Simon said Brazil was amazing!

Simon, I wanted to let you know that I am a huge fan of Big Bang Theory (I’m a self-proclaimed nerd, so I don’t think you should let the supposed nerd hate bother you). If you had the creative control to change one trait of your character, what would you change and why?

Jocelyn, “I AM I” is your directorial debut… are there any major challenges you came up against in the making of the movie that you didn’t see coming beforehand?
Simon, is it laziness or fashion that has lead to your facial hair in the proof you just uploaded? 😛
Yes, many challenges starting with just believing in myself enough to have the courage to get the project off the ground. Then there were financial challenges of raising money bc I was a first time director and actor no one had heard of. To name a couple!

As a fellow actor no one has ever heard of, I can empathize with that. I imagine having Simon committed to the film helped at least allay some concern on the financial side?
Not exactly, as he was playing a supporting role. However, it was really his fan base who we reached out to on Kickstarter and they became supporters of the film, which allowed the movie to be made! Yes, that was for sure a huge factor!
Oh I didn’t even realize you did the Kickstarter. I just googled it and it looks like there was quite a bit of interest.
It all came from Kickstarter. The interest, I mean! It had an amazing snowball effect!
Maybe I should do a Kickstarter than (and write a film).

Hey guys x For Simon: Do you feel you can relate to Howard in any way?
He means well but can’t seem to get out of his own way. I definitely suffer from that. We tend to be our own biggest obstacle.

Hi Simon and Jocelyn! I´m from Argentina. I´m a big fan of The Big Bang Theory and Simon is one of my favourite actors. I´m waiting to see Jocelyn´s movie! I have two questions: Simon, Do you when is going to start the next TBBT season? When “I AM I” is going to be available in Argentina???
check out our website http://www.iamithefilm.com and click watch movie for a list of different ways to see the film!

Have you noticed any habits you have picked up since playing Howard in the Big Bang Theory? 🙂

[–]kbcountry37 (KAYLA)
Simon, Jim has started posting coffee mug selfies to his Instagram every morning, and when I saw your pic from this morning, I was thought Jim must be wearing off on the rest of cast. Love the selfies, keep them up!

What should I buy my dad for Father’s day?
Cologne? I love finding great scents for people!
You made him a father. Is that not enough of a present? Also, a nice neck tie is always good.

Hi Jocelyn and Simon. Was Kickstarter a rewarding experience for you with this film? Would you ever consider crowd-funding a project again?
Kickstarter was incredibly rewarding, it made our film possible and gave me so much encouragement! I would do it again, although I hope I can raise money for films in other ways as well!
Proud supporter here. And thanks for the picture of Simon holding a picture of our cat, Wolowitz. Hilarious. 🙂
Oh, I remember that!!! Nice to hear from you!!!

Hello again guys! Sorry for all the questions; I have a lot!
If you could only bring 3 things with you to a desert island, what would they be?
Thanks guys, I’m a huge fan of both of you x
Assuming the cell phone won’t work… hmm… some kind of fire starter, some kind of weapon for catching food and shoes!
A big boat. And two small backup boats.

Do you get sick of headline writers going with “Jocelyn for attention” all the time?

Hello Simon and Jocelyn. Thank you so much for doing this AMA. My question is for Simon.
Will Sheldon and Amy ever engage in sexual intercourse? It seems like Sheldon’s relationship with Amy has made him more open to the idea of physical contact.
And just as a side note to anyone who might read this (hate-mail incoming); I am one of those “nerds” and i see no reason to hate TBBT because of the way it portrays them. The show is in my opinion one of the best shows currently being aired.

Hey welsh fan…Raj>Sheldon agree?

Simon. I like your performance in Studio 60 more than TBBT. Do you miss the show.
If Studio 60 had been successful mainstream would you have done TBBT?
Thank you?

Simon when will we see you in a play or something? Not that i don’t love the big bang theory 😀
I would love to be in a play or something. I’ve always loved theater. And I’ve always loved something even more.

To everyone who has asked. You can go to http://www.iamithefilm.com to see the trailer and watch the film?

Hi Simon !
What is your favorite city in the world to spend some time away from your busy working life ?
(Greetings from Madrid ! we love you here 😉 )
Are you inviting me to Madrid? That could be my new favorite. Hint hint.
[–]kid__robot 1 point 2 hours ago
Whenever you guys want to come ! you are sincerely welcome here !
Viva españa 🙂
We haven’t been to Madrid, but we would love to go at some point!

Hi guys, thanks for doing the AMA, Im a big Big Bang Theory and actor so here’s my shameless question: Do you have any rolls you are casting for in any new projects?
No new projects that are in the casting process at the moment!

Simon, Do you like pizza?
Simon, I’ll handle this one. Yes. He likes pizza. Sometimes with mushrooms and olives.
It’s one of my favorites. I really love just that simple slice of pizza you can get on any corner in New York.

Simon, what would you consider to be your all-time favorite classic sitcom?
Seinfeld is definitely up there. Everybody Loves Raymond. Roseanne. Get a Life. John Ritter on Three’s Company.

[–]kbcountry37 (KAYLA)
When I Am I makes it to South Carolina, I’m making it a priority to go see it. It looks very good!

Hello Simon and Jocelyn my question is how does it feel to have fans in lets just say Belgium? (i’m from there) good luck with everything
Very curious. Can we assume you might be in Belgium? I’m getting that sense.

If you never got into the entertainment industry, what would you do for a career?
Music. I play piano and thought that was my future for a long time. Got sidetracked. But I still play for fun.
[–]kbcountry37 (KAYLA)
I loved hearing you play on TBBT last season. Hope the writers use your talent more often.
Wait til you see him play piano in our newest movie “We’ll Never Have Paris” that will be coming out later this year!

Can’t wait to see it, Jocelyn! 🙂
Thank you for doing this AMA!
I used to be a personal trainer of sorts. I taught something called gyrotonic which is a little bit like pilates and very popular with dancers.

Hey Simon and Jocelyn! I helped you all fund I am I a million billion years ago when Kickstarter was becoming a thing and I got my copy in the mail this week! I haven’t watched it yet but the trailer you all put out not that long ago made me cry, I am really looking forward to the movie and I should be able to find some time this weekend to watch it (yay internships). Thank you for delivering and congratulations on your busy past 2 years! (yay babies!)
What was your overall experience with making a movie through kickstarter?
Woohoo!!! Yay, a wonderful Kickstarter supporter!!! Making the film with you and everyone on Kickstarter was honestly one of the coolest and most rewarding things I’ve ever done. I wouldn’t have wanted to make it any other way. I should really say that all the supporters on Kickstarter are the ones who gave me my start in the business!!!!

Dear Jocelyn and Simon,
I just saw the trailer to your film, and I think I would like to watch the whole thing (it didn’t have choirs in the trailer, that’s good). Yet, when I click the rent or buy button I am denied the service, as “this film is not available in your region”. My region being Poland, do you have any other ways for me to see it online?
Maybe you could upload it to my server, possibly for exchange for something. I could send you chocolates, or a sausage maybe. What do you say?
As tempting as the chocolates are I am going to look into this and if you check back on the website in the future maybe we will have solved this problem! Would love for you to be able to see it!!!
Well then, in case you don’t succeed, I suppose I’ll take a hack at it. Catch you both later, when I’ve seen it already 🙂

hey simon. you know how you do your set on a live audience, how do you guys not laugh while recording, is it pressure mybe?

Hey guys, how are you? Simon, I was wondering, what is the most exciting thing about playing Howard?
It used to be that I got a lot of the big jokes. The ones that we’d end a scene with, etc. But as they fleshed out the character more, it’s been so exciting getting to show different colors of this guy. And for me now, I’m getting to know who he really is and who he’s become as the writers keep coming up with brilliant layers for him.
That’s really cool. I’m really happy about all the characters development, but especially with Howard because we can see how he grow through the years

hey love you guys question what inspired you to become an actor and what tips would you give someone else?
Watching Daniel Day Lewis in “My Left Foot” was what inspired me. I was young enough that I kind of thought it was a documentary in the sense that I didn’t think he was an actor. He blew my mind.
Advice: if it’s what you love, work harder than you’ve ever worked, take praise and criticism equally and don’t let it raise you up or take you down too hard and focus on what you truly love about the craft. Ask yourself what kind of success you need to be happy.
I used to just want to make people laugh. But in high school, when I saw Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas, I realized that there was a potential to make people laugh and make people cry. So I studied acting a great conservatory program through NYU at the Atlantic Theatre Company. I definitely recommend studying and getting up on your feet to try it.

Simon: ever heard of Bulgaria? it’s a small country that not a lot of people in the US have even heard of, but trust me a lot of people here love you 😀 You should come someday.
Bulgaria? Is that an intestinal thing?

Simon! Who would be your dream to work alongside? 🙂

Simon, what is the weirdest thing a fan has ever said to you?
A lot of people start off by telling me how much they used to hate the show but now love it, or how it’s their wife or son or father who loves it, etc. All these undercutting, backhanded ways of complimenting me while attempting to seem cool and unfazed. I don’t get it.
I mean, if you’re a fan, its custom to act a little excited or weird when you meet someone that you watch!

Hi Simon, how much of your depiction of Howard Wolowitz on TBBT can you relate to from your own life? Did you ever consider yourself a “nerd” like the character in the show you portray and if so, in what ways? What thing in your life are you a nerd with?

Hey, Simon! I love your character in The Big Bang Theory 🙂 Which episode from the show is the most memorable for you so far?
In recent memory, it’s the episode where I sing the song for Bernadette. I loved that moment and thought the song was just brilliant. Written by Kate Micucci and Riki Lindhome.
Thanks for replying back! I loved that song too. It was absolutely wonderful 🙂

Hello Simon! Howard’s character developed is amazing. In the beginning we see him as a perverted/obsessed guy, who eventually grown into a mature loving husband. How much do you enjoy playing Howard and how much fun did you have growing with the character? Thanks!

Hi Simon happy to have finally caught an AMA (i live in england)
What guest star would you most like to see on the big bang theory?

Hi Simon! Great tips for becoming an actor, but what am I supposed to do when I live in Bulgaria (it’s not an intestinal thing, more like an STD :D). I mean there really is no future for any artists at all here. And my parents couldn’t possibly afford for me to study drama anywhere else in the world. Like seriously, what could i possibly do?
This sounds cheesy, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. Do what you can now, read books, plays, watch great films, find good classes where you are and study your craft.

Hey guys, I’m going hitchhiking from Illinois to California next month and I’ve never been west of the Mississippi. Got any suggestions on what to do/see?
Travel the coast, it’s gorgeous. Go to wine country. Napa, Sonoma, Solvang! Big Sur is amazing!
Sweet! I’ll check it out!

Simon, why don’t you ever come to Europe? Not all of your fans are american 😀 we love you!
[–]kbcountry37 (KAYLA)
I’m American, but I do run a TBBT fansite, and I’m often floored by the countries I get hits from. TBBT is a truly international fandom!
He does go to Europe! Our newest film “We’ll Never Have Paris” is based on real life and Simon travels to Paris in it!

Inside the Actors studio always does an entertaining bit at the end of the show where a small questionnaire is asked to the guest so I ask the both of you the same questions.
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What turns you on?
What turns you off?
What sound or noise do you love?
What sound or noise do you hate?
What is your favorite curse word?
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to do?
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

Hi Simon, I have always watched The Big Bang Theory since the beginning and have never missed an episode. My questions are: 1. What’s your advice to fans that are going through bullying? 2. How much did you enjoy working with Jason Ritter?

Hey Simon you’re pretty amazing. But i guess I wouldn’t be on reddit at 1:30am(Europe……) if you weren’t, right?

Hello and thanks for answering our questions. I’ll try to keep it short, promise.
Jocelyn: This (I Am I) is the first film where you’re in charge of the whole thing, from writing to producing and directing. Was this something you’d been waiting for a long time ? Did it live up to your expectations ? Are there things you intend to do differently in future projects ?
Simon: Are you planning to do more cinema in the near future ? (you should blackmail the Coen brothers into giving you another supporting role or something, you were really cool in A Serious Man)
And finally congrats to you both on your second child !

Hello Simon! I really like Howard on BBT! In real life, would you be friends with Raj, Leonard and Sheldon? Are they the kind of persons you would like?

Simon, do you know how much research that goes into making an episode of TBBT? Jocelyn, where did you find your inspiration to your Movie “I AM I”? Both of you, do you do autographs?

That’s the whole chat as of 8:00 PM EST on June 12, 2014.


Variety Studio: Miniseries/TV Movie Conversation – Jim Parsons, Matt Bomer, Billy Bob Thornton and Emma Roberts on Bad Physical Conditions, Nerves and The Importance of Great Writing (VIDEO)

This may be just a repeat, but Variety sent out a second announcement about this video so I am reposting.

Actors from this year’s top miniseries and TV movies, including HBO’s “The Normal Heart,” attend the Variety Studio Powered by Samsung.

Minnie Driver — Return to Zero
Billy Bob Thornton — Fargo
Emma Roberts  — American Horror Story
Jim Parsons — Normal Heart
Matt Bomer — Normal Heart
Cicely Tyson — Trip to Bountiful
Allison Tolman – Fargo


TVLINE Dishes on Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting’s Haircut

By Matt Webb Mitovich / June 12 2014, 2:38 PM PDT

How about some Kaley_Pixie_CutThe Big Bang Theory news? –Alexa
How about some big scoop on Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting’s very big haircut, and how it might affect Season 8? Kaley clipped her locks (the first time) just prior to the show’s wrap party, yet when she walked in, she tells me, “The producers loved it.” She has since evolved her ‘do into an outright pixie cut, and thus far has not heard boo, so… good news? “I’m hoping Penny will keep the haircut, that’s my goal,” Cuoco-Sweeting shares, noting: “The finale wasn’t a ‘To Be Continued,’ so I don’t
see any problem with it. People change, people get haircuts, so I think this is a realistic move for Penny. Fingers crossed!”


Variety: Impressive Contenders From Various Networks Crowd Emmy Slate

June 12, 2014 | 10:00AM PT | Tim Gray, Awards Editor @timgray_variety

Once again, HBO has the 800-pound gorilla in this year’s Emmy TV movie race. That’s little surprise, since the pay cabler has long dominated that category, averaging 60% of the nominees in the past decade.

But the news this year is that HBO and its “Normal Heart” are not the only game in town.

Certainly “Heart” is a clear front-runner. It boasts all the elements that Emmy voters like: an important subject matter (government ignoring the AIDS crisis in the 1980s), a great backstory (writer Larry Kramer waited 30 years for this project to happen), an A-list cast (Mark Ruffalo, Julia Roberts, Jim Parsons, Matt Bomer) — and, as a bonus, it’s extremely well done. On its premiere night, it drew 1.4 million viewers.

But even though the movies and miniseries are now split, it still does have some competition, to be sure.

Lifetime, for one, has a bevy of contenders. Though for years the phrase “Lifetime movie” was a punchline, referring to women-targeted fare that was weepy and uplifting, the net has indeed redefined itself of late with classy, intelligent fare.

Rob Sharenow, exec VP and g.m. at the network, told Variety, “Lifetime saw a major opportunity with the shifting landscape. We’re making theatrical quality movies for grown-ups because the studios aren’t supporting those movies any more. We’re not going for niche audiences; we’re going for the masses.”

“The Trip to Bountiful” and Cicely Tyson’s performance compare favorably to the 1985 feature film that won an Oscar for Geraldine Page. “A Day Late and a Dollar Short” is a reminder that Whoopi Goldberg “can be a pretty fine actress when she gets the opportunity,” wrote Variety’s Brian Lowry in his review of the film, which was adapted from Terry McMillan’s novel.

And “Return to Zero,” with Minnie Driver and Paul Adelstein in a story about a marriage in crisis, has the substance and quality of the multi-Oscar-nominated “In the Bedroom” of 2001. Viewers responded to these movies, with each drawing at least 1.5 million viewers in their Saturday night premieres.

The numerous other possible Emmy TV-movie contenders include BBC America (“Burton and Taylor”), National Geographic (“Killing Kennedy”), PBS (“Sherlock: His Last Vow”) and Hallmark Channel (“The Watsons Go to Birmingham”).

Studios started cranking out TV movies in the 1960s as a novelty and results were usually so-so. But things hit their stride in the 1970s and early ’80s, with titles like “Brian’s Song,” “Duel,” “That Certain Summer” and “Off the Minnesota Strip” (by a young writer named David Chase).

But then telefilms went through a fallow period. The artistic nadir was reached in the 1990s with no fewer than three movies about Amy Fisher, aka the Long Island Lolita, and titles like “Mother, May I Sleep With Danger.” (Thankfully, Syfy is carrying on this not-quite-proud tradition with fare such as “Sharknado.”)

The TV Academy combined miniseries and TV movies in 2011, a long overdue recognition that both were waning. But this year’s re-separation is a reminder that the two are on a sharp upswing.

At a recent Variety panel, Billy Bob Thornton (star of FX’s “Fargo”) said,: “There was a sort of renaissance of independent film in the late ’80s and early-to-mid ’90s, which I was fortunate enough to be a part of and it felt great. And TV right now feels like that.”

Twenty years ago, film actors avoided TV, he said, “but now actors can’t wait to get on television.”

At the Variety panel, Driver talked about “Zero,” which indie-film distributors passed on, finding it too distressing. The project found a home on cable, which is welcoming the artists and audiences that are hungry for adult dramas. “As an actor, I have never even come close to doing anything as extraordinarily hard,” she said about “Zero.” “But I’m better for it, and I’m glad to have told this story.”


THR: Fox Pulls ‘I Wanna Marry Harry,’ ‘Riot’ From Schedule

[Note:  How disappointing to The Big Bang Theory Fans that were looking forward to seeing Mayim’s performance and more of John Ross Bowie.  So sorry to hear this.  I really enjoyed the show. ]

Comedy repeats move into the Tuesday block, as summer’s low-rated unscripted efforts prove a non-starter and “Harry” heads to VOD.

If you’d like to see who ends up with “Harry,” you won’t be seeing it on Tuesday nights. Fox announced Thursday that it’s pulled remaining episodes of summer reality show I Wanna Marry “Harry” — as well as game show Riot — from the schedule, effective next week.

Though the network is currently looking for a fitting place to air the remaining episodes of the low-rated summer efforts, Harry, at least, will get a conclusion on VOD. Starting Friday, Fox is rolling out the unaired episodes of the Prince Harry imposter’s dating competition on Fox.com, Fox On Demand, FOX NOW and Hulu.

In the absence of the two shows, Fox is plugging in encores of Family Guy, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, New Girl and The Mindy Project.

Both Riot and I Wanna Marry “Harry” struggled on the schedule. Recent episodes averaged just a 0.4 rating among adults 18-49 — both following especially soft debuts.

The two series did have notable producer pedigrees. Riot, based on an Australian series of the same name, hailed from Steve Carell. And I Wanna Marry “Harry” is a Ryan Seacrest production.



THR: Comedy Actress Roundtable: Taylor Schilling, Zooey Deschanel, Mindy Kaling on Fake-Peeing, Showering With Co-Stars and Rude Fans

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Six hot contenders — also including Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting, Edie Falco and Emmy Rossum — talk candidly to THR about the “torture” of watching their performances, the horror of “pasties” and their industry crushes (Sam Rockwell!).

So, what is comedy these days?

A half-hour, single-cam cable show about a drug-addicted nurse? A one-hour women’s-prison dramedy streaming on the Internet? A ratings smash with an old-school laugh track? A single-cam spin on the travails of a working woman and her messy dating life? An “adorkable” network series centered on a girl and her best guy friends? Or a grim hourlong series about a poor Chicago family whose toddler almost ODs on his sister’s cocaine? For the six Emmy contenders who gathered on May 10 in Los Angeles to chat — The Big Bang Theory‘s Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting, 28; New Girl‘s Zooey Deschanel, 34; Nurse Jackie‘s Edie Falco, 50; The Mindy Project‘s Mindy Kaling, 34; Shameless‘ Emmy Rossum, 27; and Orange Is the New Black‘s Taylor Schilling, 29 — the genre is all those things and then some. Between fake-peeing, showering with co-stars and the “torture” of watching their performances, there’s little these women won’t do for the sake of their craft.

What’s the oddest thing you have been asked to do on your current series?

Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting My character was in an awful movie called Serial Apist, so I had full monkey makeup head to toe.

Taylor Schilling They put hair on you?

Cuoco-Sweeting Yes, they did.

Schilling Like, patchy hair?

Cuoco-Sweeting Yes. I Instagrammed it because I couldn’t believe it was happening.

Zooey Deschanel I had to be Woody Allen as a zombie. I pasted sideburns and fake beard stuff to my eyebrows. That was the gift that I gave my show. They also made me be Elvis once.

Emmy Rossum My character had to pee on camera for a drug test this past season. I had to pull my pants down and use this squeezy contraption that made it look like I was really doing it. But it wasn’t me peeing, just for the record!

Edie Falco For one scene on Nurse Jackie, I was lying on a bed of pills in this little miniature elevator thing, and it dropped like 10 feet quickly to show that I’d been overtaken by these pills. It felt like I was on the cyclone at Coney Island.

Rossum They were like, “You don’t need a stunt double. You’re fine.”

Falco They also wanted me to keep my eyes open.

Schilling That’s terrible!

Falco My kids were visiting that day, too.

Deschanel They’re like, “Why is Mommy falling?”

Cuoco-Sweeting They probably thought you were such a badass.


Mindy, what’s the strangest thing you’ve written for yourself to do on your show?

Mindy Kaling My character is constantly getting very upset and running into the street to scream at somebody, so there are always cars about to hit me. Even though it’s a stunt, you can’t fake that a car is almost going to hit you.

Deschanel You can’t, actually.

Kaling The flip side is getting to make out a lot on TV, which I do. Sometimes we have to do a shower sex scene. And the first few times, it’s kind of fun. Then after take eight, your makeup is streaming …

Schilling You’re cold.

Cuoco-Sweeting It’s not cute anymore.

Deschanel Fake nudity is not cute wet.

Kaling I’d rather show my breasts!

Schilling We’re in jail on Orange, so there’s real nudity.

Kaling Pasties are disgusting.

Deschanel I’d rather be naked!

Taylor, when have you felt pushed to the limits on Orange?

Deschanel “What scene did you feel just terrible about and wanted to die?”

Rossum “And felt extremely vulnerable in front of a bunch of people?” (Laughter.)

Schilling There are a lot of clothes off and a lot of knives. Everyone has to do a lot of [unpleasant] stuff.

Falco It’s equal opportunity.

Schilling Boobs for all and everybody’s being shanked! I love naked bodies.

Deschanel Who doesn’t?

Is there an audition in your history that was particularly mortifying?

Cuoco-Sweeting I don’t think of those things.

Deschanel I used to have a tape of embarrassing moments that played in my head constantly, but I have shut it off.

Schilling I auditioned for commercials when I started out, which are awful. They make you do the weirdest stuff. There was one where there was a mannequin set up, and they’re like, “Skip across this bench and plant a big wet one on the mannequin.”

What was it for?

Schilling Probably shoes? I look back on that like, “What was I doing?”

Deschanel I had a TV screen test early on, and the creator of the show was in the back mouthing the words. I’m looking at the person who’s reading with me there, and right behind that person was this guy saying the dialogue with me.

Cuoco-Sweeting My God.

Falco That’s awful.

Rossum I’ve had people do that, but where the person you’re reading with is doing the same facial expressions as you. They’re being empathetic or something?

Schilling I always say [to the reader], “Stop, don’t act!”

Kaling Have you guys ever completely lied about your abilities? When I was still in New York, I auditioned for this Bollywood musical. I was like, “Oh, I’m going to clean up. How many Indian girls are there?” I said I could sing and I could dance — neither of which I can do — and I sang, “Somewhere Out There,” which anybody sounds good singing, and then I had to go to the dance part of it. And of course, it then ended up a huge embarrassment. There were Puerto Rican and Asian girls who tried to look Indian and they crushed it.

Falco I once auditioned for a musical, and I don’t sing. I gave it my all but it was just awful. I couldn’t look [the casting people in the eye].

Deschanel They’re looking down at their page.

Rossum Or their phones!

What about odd moments while onstage?

Falco At the beginning of [the play] Frankie and Johnny, our characters are naked and have sex. But it’s total darkness in the apartment. Stanley Tucci and I are getting ready for the curtain to open, but something goes wrong with the computer and all the house lights and stage lights come on, and the curtains go up. And there we were — Stanley and I — laying there completely naked. That was the performance my father and uncle came to. (Laughter.)

Kaling “Is it like this every night?”

Falco It got an audible gasp. Then the curtains went down and we started again like it didn’t happen.

Rossum Take two!

Falco There are so many crazy, cuckoo theater stories.

You all deal with the media on a regular basis.

Deschanel No, we don’t.

Kaling What are you talking about?

And Mindy, you’ve been very open about calling out journalists who make ridiculous comments. What’s the worst one?

Kaling “You’re ugly and fat, and that is so refreshing to us.” I’m like, “What are you saying to me, sir?” “Well, we’re used to skinny people, and you’re so ugly and refreshing.” That’s not a question, sir. (Laughter.)

Deschanel They’re just trying to get a reaction.

Kaling And people who actually identify as feminists will say stuff like, “Are women funny?” Sorry, you can’t ask that question again. It’s so insulting and outdated. They like getting us riled up, as I am getting now!

What do you do and say in those situations?

Kaling I think everyone is a good person trying to do a good job. If you can nicely be like, “I think what you mean to ask is maybe something like this …” Other times, I lose it.

Rossum I’m sorry, but you’re gorgeous. I don’t know what the f– anyone’s talking about.

Edie, what’s the most consistent Sopranos comment or question you get?

Falco “How did they make you look so fat and old on that show?” Funny, I hadn’t thought of that again until now.

Kaling You’re like, “I thought I looked very beautiful.” Do they really say that?

Falco Oh, absolutely. I had another woman say, “Whatever you’ve done to your face, it looks great.”

Rossum Some people say that I’m so much prettier on TV, and people come up to me in the airport, and they’re like, “You kind of look like Emmy Rossum, but she’s really pretty.”

Deschanel Someone said, “You’re so thin! You look so fat on TV.”

Cuoco-Sweeting I get that, too.

Deschanel And “Tell your agents to dress you in different clothes.” And I go, “First of all, agents don’t dress actors!” (Laughter.)

Rossum You’re a public commodity so they think they can be just totally, completely honest with you. I bet they’re not that honest with their friends.

Cuoco-Sweeting Syndication is so crazy; they’re with you all the time.

Kaling And we’re on comedies, where characters are constantly dissing us.

Rossum Someone told me once to work on my upper pectoral muscles — I’m not kidding. Maybe I lost weight between the second and third seasons, and in my topless scenes in my third season, my breasts looked schlumpy. You’re clearly pausing and rewinding way too many times.

Cuoco-Sweeting I think they get nervous and don’t know what to say.

Falco I saw Dave Matthews walk by the outside of my building. I’m a huge fan!

Cuoco-Sweeting Did you tell him he looked fat?

Falco Was that bad? (Laughs.)

Rossum People just don’t separate you from your character.

And now Taylor is on everyone’s computer.

Rossum While they’re at work, in the bathroom! They’re watching you in prison.

Schilling It’s interesting. There was a 24-hour period where everyone had watched all 13 hours of season one. All of a sudden, there was over-familiarity [with me].

Deschanel So fast, too, to have all the episodes go up at once.

Schilling It’s very weird and deeply uncomfortable. People say some pretty mean things about my character. “You’re such a narcissist and so whiny. But I love everybody else on the show.” But it’s so exciting to feel like people are actually seeing what you’re doing.

Cuoco-Sweeting It’s also amazing when people come up to you, and you’ve actually touched them in some sort of way because of your show. It makes me want to cry every time, I mean, literally you are so overwhelmed.

Deschanel I started crying the other day when someone said, “I love your show so much.” It’s nice when somebody’s genuine.

Rossum You never think they watch.

Deschanel It’s the thing you live for!

Is there a life lesson you’ve learned from someone on your show?

Rossum Well, [William H.] Macy is not afraid to ask our crewmembers, “Did you think that was funny?” And that’s kind of the best lesson: It doesn’t matter where a good idea comes from.

Deschanel I’ll take direction from anyone.

Rossum The most moving thing is when a crewmember who maybe hasn’t said two words to me ever comes up to me after a scene, and goes, “You know what? That was really good.” That will make me feel like 100 million bucks because they see it all day, every day for 30 years.

Kaling Life lessons from Chris Messina? He’s such a good f—ing actor. It’s like The Office, where I was for eight years. With Steve Carell, you couldn’t not become funnier by watching him. With Chris, he’s a quintessential New York theater actor. He also loves silences, which is also something you don’t see in network TV, and he lives for them. So I’ve learned in writing to make scripts shorter because of Chris!

Schilling You create that space for him to do [his thing].

Kaling It’s lucky to be the showrunner and the lead actor, because I get to see what’s working, make changes on the fly. He’s also hot as hell. That’s nice, too. Nice to shower with a handsome actor.

Deschanel I’m not against it!

Do any of you have any bizarre rituals on set?

Rossum I talk to myself before every scene, so I’m always in some mantra telling myself something. Actory shit in order to get into the right place for a character. I make sure my mic is turned off right before the scene because I’ll probably be dredging up something awful. I don’t want people at video village hearing all of that. “You’re a worthless piece of shit. You should be in jail!”

Deschanel I jump up and down a lot.

Cuoco-Sweeting We film in front of a live audience, and about five years ago, [co-star] Johnny [Galecki] and I started going into the audience and talking to everybody halfway through each show. It has helped me tremendously. We shake hands and thank everybody. I want to cry every time! It’s a big energy jolt.

Who or what first made you want to act?

Falco I thought, “I want to do that” when I saw Sweeney Todd. We took a little trip on our school bus, and it was life-changing. It starred Len Cariou and Angela Lansbury. The music is incredible. I was a different person leaving that theater. “If this is where this kind of thing goes on, I have to be a part of it.”

How old were you?

Falco This was last year. (Laughter.) I guess I was in junior high or something. 13 or 14? I didn’t think I’d ever do it for a living, but I thought I would always do it. I was very shy, and the idea of being an actress was beyond my comprehension, but I knew I would do it.

Deschanel When I was 2, I saw The Wizard of Oz, and I was obsessed with it. My dad filmed everything I did, because he’s a cinematographer, and we have it on tape, me up at the screen. I learned all the lyrics to “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” before I could really form sentences. I told my mom that I was going to jump in the TV. She was like, “Oh, really, you are?” I told her I would. And I did it!

Kaling For me, it was watching Much Ado About Nothing, with Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson, seeing that Shakespeare could be done like that. They had amazing chemistry, and it was truly funny.

Deschanel And so sexy because they hate each other, but they love each other.

When you watch your performances, what’s your biggest criticism?

Cuoco-Sweeting Oh, I can’t watch.

Schilling I don’t watch. I hate it. I can’t watch. At all.

You’ve never watched Orange Is the New Black?

Schilling No. I see it at premieres and we have to see stuff at ADR [automated dialogue replacement], but not really. It’s not that I’m completely opposed to it, but I was already there and did it. I’ve never felt the need to go back and watch. We are always sort of living it in the next round, do you know what I mean?

Deschanel I don’t like watching myself, but I started to watch the show so I could adjust my performance if needed. On network TV, we have the luxury of being on while we’re shooting. “That’s not good,” or “That was good.” So, it’s fun but also torturous.

Cuoco-Sweeting I hate the sound of my voice. I can hear it from a mile away — it’s nasally. Why do I talk like that? It freaks me out!

Deschanel No one likes their own voice.

Cuoco-Sweeting OK, because I feel like I have the most annoying one. It’s hard for me to watch Big Bang. I TiVo it at home to support the show, but there are 37 episodes on there [I haven’t seen].

Kaling I just watched five in a row. Whenever I travel!

Cuoco-Sweeting I watched five of yours on a plane, too, and I’m not just saying that.

Deschanel They’re so comforting.

Kaling It is very comforting. (To Cuoco-Sweeting) And you do not have an annoying voice, by the way.

Deschanel My voice has changed. When I started acting, it was really, really high.

Kaling Mine, too.

Cuoco-Sweeting We could torture ourselves all day long!

Rossum I definitely watched season one of Shameless before we did the second. I felt like the work I did in the first season was so much better than anything I’d ever done and was concerned the second season was going to suck. So I needed to study what I did. But I feel like I get better from watching myself. I can detach because the character is so different from me.

Cuoco-Sweeting I play a blonde who lives next door to people, and I’m a blonde who lives next door to people.

Kaling Sometimes the way that you think you’re presenting is not at all how it’s coming across. I’m an A student, and I want to nail it, and we have on TV the luxury of trying to nail it. And so you get this great benefit if you’re watching, and you’re like, “Oh, I thought when I was giving Messina shit in that scene that it was adorable, but really it comes off a little harsher because of the way that my hair was pinned straight.” Also, our wardrobe. Does it connote something different to wear a suit when I’m trying to be flirty?

What’s the most personal thing you’ve infused into a character?

Falco I have tried very hard to go in the entirely other direction. I never want to do anything that feels like me! After Sopranos, I was offered lots of Italian women, and I ran from that. That’s why my early Nurse Jackie [look] was short hair and very low maintenance. Now, 700 years into that show, I want my hair back and some makeup!

Deschanel I also want to keep it really separate. When I started acting, every part I did was completely different [from one another]. And it worked against me because people wouldn’t recognize me from one role to the next. Though being on TV now, playing the same character, I do get antsy to play different things.

Cuoco-Sweeting Do you think it happens naturally? I’ve been doing the same character for so many years, so I’ll find myself reacting a certain way when I’m like, “That was actually me.”

Deschanel Definitely.

Cuoco-Sweeting The writers start to know who you are and write toward that.

Rossum I feel like my writers manipulate me. We’ll be at a table read, and a female writer will come up to me in what I think is a friendly gesture, and ask, “What’s the wackiest thing you can do with your body?” “I can put my legs over my head and sing ‘The Star Spangled Banner,’ ” and then it’s in the next script.

Deschanel “Hey, can you do a Neil Diamond impression?” Wait five minutes, and it’s in the next table read.

Mindy, where do you draw the line between yourself and the Mindy on the show?

Kaling When I originally wrote the character, she was not named Mindy. But [former Fox entertainment chairman] Kevin Reilly said — before he picked up the show — “I think her name should just be Mindy,” and I was like, “OK, yeah.” But the character has also lost several handguns and says stuff like, “I think recycling makes America look poor.” Then pieces get written about me that say, “Mindy Kaling is a Republican,” because they can’t separate the two. But no one ever thought [why] Alec Baldwin‘s character on 30 Rock said things like that. I think it’s sexist, that there’s no way that I could write a character who’s so different from me. Why would I want to do my own show and be a cool, liberal Westside person who lives in Brentwood? Let me live that life and let the character be wild.

What’s the best joke you’ve had to lose?

Kaling In one episode, Tim Daly, who is so funny, was on the show. And he’s very angry at me for prescribing his daughter birth control, and I’m like, “How dare you come in here with your outdated views on birth control? Who do you think you are? Rick Santorum? Obviously not, because you’re not hot.” We have to keep Mindy’s political stuff to a minimum.

Deschanel And it’s dated. You know exactly when that episode aired.

Rossum There’s more [stuff that didn’t air] with Bill Macy’s character, like a scene where he has sex with a corpse.

Falco I can’t believe you didn’t show it.

Rossum I don’t think he wanted to mount a dead woman.

Whose career makes you jealous?

Rossum You expect us to answer that? (Laughter.)

Deschanel I don’t like expressing those feelings! “No, I’m excited for them. That’s happy. That’s great!”

Rossum Jealousy is the kiss of death for any actor.

Kaling I’m jealous of men. I’m jealous of Sam Rockwell.

Rossum He’s probably jealous of you.

Kaling He does whatever he wants. And he’s always so good. Comedy, drama, dancing.

Deschanel He’s a really good dancer.

Falco Old-school indie dude.

Kaling He wouldn’t care that some sitcom actress is so into him. He’s amazing.

Deschanel He would love this! I’ve done three movies with him. It’s funny, about men,[New Girl co-star] Jake Johnson told me about auditioning and how guys high-five each other [before they go in]. “Good luck, man!”

Rossum Dudes have less of an expiration date than women. It’s always older men with younger women.

Deschanel How about older women with younger men?

Kaling That’s disgusting! (Laughter.)

Do your representatives encourage you to do whatever interests you?

Deschanel They send me a huge variety of things.

Falco They work for us, not the other way around. But I never know what the heck I’m going to do next, what’s going to interest me a year from now.

Schilling I don’t know if you can always have a plan. You have to have your own feelers out to the world.

Deschanel I’ve gotten many jobs from just meeting people. If Mindy says, “I have this great script,” I’d be like, “Send it to me.” It’s not necessary that your agents be the only gateway. They are only one avenue. We need each other, too.
